On Tuesday, September 17, MediaCentral’s staff will be present at party headquarters in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, as well as the MC office in Jerusalem. We are happy to help with contacts, interviewees, translations and other services.
In Tel Aviv:
- Likud Headquarters – Expo Tel Aviv (Bitan 2).
- Blue and White Headquarters, Hangar 11, Tel Aviv Port.
In Jerusalem:
- Yisrael Beiteinu Headquarters, Bible Lands Museum, 21 Shmuel Stefan Wise Street, Museum Row, Jerusalem
**Registration through Media Central is no longer possible**
- MediaCentral’s Office, 7 HaRav Kook Street, Jerusalem – 02-6232344.
A space for all journalists – with WiFi, a place to broadcast, monitoring of the electronic media, drinks, coffee & snacks.
For contacts including spokespeople, MKs and analysts, please contact MediaCentral at INFO@M-CENTRAL.ORG