New Coronavirus Restrictions with Dr. Asher Shalmon

March 14, 2020PAST EVENT

Is Israel being too cautious about the Corona virus? Tens of thousands ordered into quarantine and the Israeli Health Ministry has banned travel to dozens of countries- making Israel one of the countries with the most strict precautions.

The Israeli Health Ministry has instructed tens of thousands of Israelis to go into self-imposed quarantine for 14 days to contain the corona virus outbreak in Israel.
15 Israelis were confirmed as having contracted the Covid-19 virus.

Dr. Ashir Shalmon, is the Director of the International Relations Division in the Ministry of Health. Doctor Shalmon completed his medicine studies in the Technion and a doctorate in molecule biology from the Hebrew University..
Dr. Shalmon has filled various positions in the past: Deputy Director of the Barzilai Medical Center, Deputy Director of the Hadassah Medical Center and also performed a series of clinical positions.

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