UN Led Money Laundering Scheme Diverted Hundreds of Millions In Gaza Aid To Hamas, According To Lawsuit Filed In NY Federal Court Attorney Gavi Mairone, representing the plaintiffs, presented the details

June 24, 2024PAST EVENT

Jun 24: UN Led Money Laundering Scheme Diverted Hundreds of Millions In Gaza Aid To Hamas, According To Lawsuit Filed In NY Federal Court Attorney Gavi Mairone, representing the plaintiffs, presented the details

Victims of the October 7 terrorist attacks filed a lawsuit today in U.S. Federal Court that documents over a decade of alleged fraud and corruption in aid to Gaza distributed through the United Nations.
The lawsuit provides graphic details of how UNRWA led a billion-dollar money laundering operation that funded Hamas – greatly reducing humanitarian aid provided to Gaza residents and playing a key role in the October 7 attack.
The lawsuit highlights the importance of shifting control of Gaza aid from UNRWA to the UNHCR or other national/NGO partners.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 101 plaintiffs in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against UNRWA and seven named Commissioner-Generals, Deputy Commissioner-Generals, and Director who oversaw the illegal schemes and were based in NY.
Gavi Mairone who leads the human rights and counter-terrorism law firm that compiled most of the evidence gave details of the lawsuit and answer questions.

Gavi Mairone is the founder of MM~LAW LLC, a law firm dedicated to advancing human rights law by representation of victims of international terrorism, crimes against humanity, and genocide.  Mairone has focused on developing successful legal theories and bringing civil lawsuits on behalf of victims of terrorism and crimes against humanity to force accountability upon the financiers and aiders and abettors of the perpetrators of such crimes. He has created a counterterrorism research group to support such litigation that conducts legal operational research on international money laundering and finance of jihadi terrorist organizations in Arabic, Farsi, English, French, German, Kurdish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Hebrew. Mairone has 35 years legal experience and has won cases on behalf of US and African survivors of the 1998 embassy bombings (US Supreme Court), US soldiers against state sponsors of terrorism, against Arab Bank for its role in financing terrorism, and earlier this month won a $179 million judgment on behalf of an Israeli family attacked by Palestinian terrorists.


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