Strategic Analysis with Lt. Col. David Wurmser

October 9, 2023PAST EVENT

The “Iron Swords” war broke out in the early morning hours of October 7—fifty years and one day from the start of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The number of Jews killed was the most on one day since the Holocaust and Israelis have witnessed atrocities that they never thought would be repeated. MediaCentral was the first to help foreign journalists in the country get updated on what exactly was going on with a Zoom conference just hours after the war erupted. We have continued to follow the resulting military operations and have assisted the more than one thousand reporters who have been sent to the region to cover the events.


Oct. 9: Lt. Col. David Wurmser

Lt. Col. David Wurmser, the Middle East advisor to former US Vice President Dick Cheney, was visiting Israel when the war broke out. He spoke to media outlets about the implications for the region and the unwavering support for Israel from the United States.

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