Since the biblical era, on this night Jewish women would wear white and dance in Shilo, the site the Tabernacle last rested. Annually in Shilo there is a woman’s festival which focuses on women empowerment and women’s issues. Throughout the festival there are performances, workshops, arts fairs, and concerts. These customs are observed by all segments of Israeli society, whether they consider themselves religious or non-religious. Last year over 2,500 people attended and a similar number are expected to attend this year.
According to the Talmud, many years ago on this day the “daughters of Jerusalem would go dance in the vineyards”, and “whoever did not have a wife would go there” to find himself a bride. Further, this is the day Jews transitioned from mourning for the temple as they did for the past month; to celebrating the future, by dancing and celebrating life.
Field tour included:
– Private guided tour of the archaeological site of ancient Shilo
– Experiencing the festival (full itinerary of the festival will be sent upon request)